Save The Date: October 3-4, 2025!


The health and safety of everyone attending our Oktoberfest is absolutely top priority. Twin Cities Oktoberfest is monitoring current guidance from federal, state and local health officials. Earlier this summer, restrictions regarding large gatherings and social distancing were eliminated. In accordance with state and federal guidelines, masks will not be required in our outdoor settings but are strongly encouraged, especially for those not fully vaccinated and for those working closely together in enclosed spaces. We will continue to watch developments on this and make adjustments accordingly, consistent with federal, state and local guidelines.

We’re working hard to ensure a healthy and safe environment, so if you’re ready to resume prosting and dancing in person, we will be here and ready to welcome you back. If you are not yet ready to get together in person, we understand and hope to see you next year!

What if I am experiencing COVID-19 symptoms?

If, within the 10 days before you attend the Fair, you have tested positive or presumptively positive for COVID-19, experienced any COVID-19 related symptoms or been in direct contact with or in the immediate vicinity of any person who is confirmed or suspected of being infected with COVID-19, please do not attend our Oktoberfest. We will work with you to refund your ticket or carry your ticket forward to 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

Thank you.